Monday, May 30

25 Bedford Street- 1 Year On

Progress being made slowly when money allows. Home-Made bunting, up-cycled Mirror and Bookshelf, Garden in the first stage of what I want to be a mad colorful secret, Fire wall decorated with cards and postcards from family and friends, Small lofty spare room a pretty squat waiting for someone to buy it a bedframe.

Chugging along on our old tug boat


This day will forever remain one of the best days of my life. If you have never been on a canal boat trip I suggest you go on one NOW- or at-least tomorrow.

Sunday, May 29

Biggest LOSER

Following on from my Wayne & Waynetta post Me & Mike have been trying to lose weight, this has been followed by the discovery I need an operation which has spurred me on. Two Months on I am half a stone lighter and Mike is nearly A stone & half lighter- he is the biggest LOSER.

Nothing to strenuous, more activity ( hence the pictures above taken on our country strolls) less couch dwelling, more fruit and veg - less Chinese (I fucking Miss Chinese the most!!)

There is a long way to go, Five stone to go in fact- I shall keep you posted.

Shark Cake

SHARK CAKE It was our Friend Sean's Birthday - he hearts Sharks. So we made him a big cakey one.

Note: I haven't updated all spring for many reasons, so I decided to uploads pictures of what I have been doing and short little explanations one after another, probably allot less entertaining but a diary non the less. I don't think anyone reads this thing- if you do follow me- I would like to know who you are.