Saturday, August 28

Sunday, August 15

I'm Lucky

I remember both of us seperating our time between sleeping in a single bed squashed together, clinging on to each other so not to fall onto the floor and sleeping in My room in my childhood Home, sharing a 6ft square to operate within. It wasnt more than 4 months ago that that was our life. I miss My Mum and Dad and I miss Church Street and the magic that place and the people posess. But we both would dream back then about the day we would have our own home, somewhere we could be. Holding the idea up like a dream floating above us promising us the future. Some days, Like Today.I feel so lucky, to have him to have us to have our home filled with a comfort i struggle to get anywhere else.

I dreamt off these things for many years wondering if I could ever be happy,wondering if anyone would ever love me for me. It doesn't matter does it? All the sadness, all the worry I have been carrying around for what feels like for ever, I need to say goodbye. I need to just enjoy things.

Im going to smoke a ciggerette outside in my fur coat and pyjamas .

Something is changing inside of me and its no bad thing.
